Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Blog 1 – Senior Final Lesson/Interview Reflection

1.  What three lessons were most helpful for you to see, and why?

Three of most helpful lessons that I was able to see were Film Directing, Teaching Elementary, and Pediatrics. The Film Directing presentation was an excellent representation of how to go above and beyond in a senior presentation. The PowerPoint was very well put together and the presenter was extremely enthusiastic about his topic. These three elements taught me how to have an excellent presentation. The Teaching Kindergarten presentation was helpful as well because it is relatively similar to the topic I would like to pursue this coming year. I was able to see how the presenter spent her year in her mentorship and learn about her experiences. If I end up choosing Teaching Preschool as my topic, the steps I would have to take would be a bit easier since I know what I will have to go through and how they will go. Pediatrics was helpful to me in a different way than the others. This presentation, in my opinion, was not the best. It seemed as if the presenter's answers for her essential question did not fit, which threw off the whole presentation. This teaches me that I will have to be careful when choosing answers to my essential question and explaining them.

2. List one thing that you learned about the senior project in interviews that will help you get off to a good start?

During the senior project interviews, I learned that prior to the 1 hour senior presentations, there are two other presentations, a 10 minute one and a 30 minute one. I have been dreading the dreadful hour of presenting to come due to the fear I have of not making time. But now that I know that the two other presentations are there to help lend some sort of help and practice, I am off to a good start because I am less stressed and fearful for the upcoming school year and project.

3. What topic(s) are you considering, and why?

The topic I am considering is teaching pre-school. I am interested in this topic for two reasons. I enjoy teaching people things. It makes me feel like I have a sense of purpose and I take pleasure in being able to help someone out. I also like being around little kids. Being with such playful and imaginative people makes me feel like a kid again. I forget about my worries and enjoy living in the present. Living in that sort of way is much more enjoyable than living with stress and worries. 

4. What EQ do you think might be interesting to consider in guiding a project like this? (Please don't worry about any sort of formula...we want this question to come from your genuine interest).

To guide a project like this, I am thinking of the possible EQs:
What is the most effective way to prepare a pre-schooler for an elementary education?
What is the most effective way to ensure a successful school year?

5. What are some ideas you have about finding summer mentorship?

I have a couple ideas on how I'll go about finding summer mentorship. I've been in contact with a good friend from my elementary and middle school whose mother happens to be a pre-school teacher. If she agreed to mentor me, I would provide my service hours in the beginning of August, the beginning of the school year for that school. Another friend of mine also has a parent who is a pre-school teacher. If my friend's parent agreed to be my mentor, then I'd go in for mentorship from the start of summer vacation up till the end of June, when the school year ends in her school. I might even perhaps go in for mentorship in both of the schools, as I will gain 2 experiences rather than one.